We all get upset, and sometimes people do things that really suck, but that doesn’t mean we get to say whatever we want. Don’t be rude, and treat people the way you would want to be treated.
Saying something rude is one thing, but treating people as lesser because of who they are is another. Everyone has value, and that’s how we expect people to treat each other at Clubhouse.
Please report anyone you encounter harassing users or being hateful on Clubhouse.
What should I do if I am being bullied, harassed, or attacked at Clubhouse?
If someone is bullying, harassing, or attacking you on Clubhouse, please let us know so we can address it.
What should I do if someone is targeting me or being mean to me because of my religion, nationality, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, disability, age, or military status?
You are unique and wonderful, regardless of what anyone else says. Please let us know if someone is targeting you based on aspects of your identity–or, in other words, what makes you you–so we can take a closer look.