We have zero tolerance for any abuse or exploitation of children. If you come across it, please report it immediately.
What should I do if I find content about a child being physically abused or sexually exploited on Clubhouse?
Please let us know about anyone who is abusing or exploiting kids immediately.
What should I do if I find a nude image of a child on Clubhouse?
We have a number of measures in place to address the sharing of child sexual abuse material, and we take a zero-tolerance approach to users who may attempt to share such imagery. If you come across it, please let us know right away.
What should I do if I think an individual is a minor, but they are pretending to be an adult on Clubhouse?
Please report any minor who you think is pretending to be an adult on Clubhouse. We have special permissions for minors on our platform to keep them safe, so help us, help them!
What should I do if I think an individual is an adult, but they are pretending to be a minor on Clubhouse?
Please report any user on Clubhouse who you think is an adult but is pretending to be a kid.