Doxxing, like when you share someone’s personal info without their permission, is extremely not cool. We take any threats or actual sharing of personal information very seriously. Please report anyone who does this to you or someone else on Clubhouse.
What does Clubhouse define as personal information (PII)?
PII (Personally Identifiable Information) is any information about you that people don’t openly have access to, which would allow a person to locate, stalk, or harass you, whether online or in person.
We consider PII to include, but is not limited to, phone numbers, email addresses, home addresses, dates of birth, and identification numbers. The bottom line is that if it’s not your own information or you don’t have permission, don’t share it with others.
What if someone shares my personal information on Clubhouse?
If someone shares your personal information on Clubhouse, please let us know so we can investigate and take appropriate action.