What should I do if I think an individual is a minor, but they are pretending to be an adult on Clubhouse?
Please report any minor who you think is pretending to be an adult on Clubhouse. We have special permissions for minors on our platform to keep them safe, so help us help them!
What if an adult adds me, but I don't know them?
Rule of thumb: if you don’t know an adult and they are not connected with people you know, don’t add them back.
What if someone asks me for my personal information?
Connection and being known is a natural desire that everyone experiences. However, it’s important to keep some information private when you’re online, like where you live, the names of your friends and family, your phone number, email, etc. In the wrong hands, this type of information can be used to identify you IRL and threaten you in the future.
What if someone sends me a sexual photo?
Whether it’s a sexual photo of an adult or another teen, sexual imagery is not something we allow on Clubhouse. If you do receive these types of images, please let us know immediately.
What should I do if someone is asking me to share a nude or sexual photo or video of myself?
Flirting and exploring sexual feelings is a totally normal part of growing up. However, sharing nude and sexual images of a minor is super illegal and not something we allow on Clubhouse. If anyone asks you to do this, please let us know immediately.
*New Trend* What is financial sextortion and why should I care?
Financial sextortion is a new and rising trend and definitely something you should be aware of as you navigate online.
- The Scheme - Usually it involves someone asking for a nude photo or video from you. After receiving that content, they will take these images or videos and use them to threaten you in exchange for money. Threats include sharing these images with your family or friends, claims that they know where you live, threats that they will harm you if you don’t pay, and threats to destroy your life.
- It Doesn’t Stop - Very regularly these harassers will accept a first round of payment and then demand more money, making it feel like you have no way out.
- What To Do If It Happens To You - If you end up in this situation, know that you have options, you are not alone, and we want to help. Please block any users who are perpetrating this scheme, report them in the Clubhouse app, and report them to NCMEC.
What is sexual exploitation and how do I know if I am being targeted?
Sexual exploitation is when a person uses or manipulates another to get them to provide or create sexual content. The person who is doing the exploiting will then take that sexual content and use it for their own purposes - regularly without the other person knowing or consenting. Below are a few tips for spotting these creepy people and keeping yourself safe:
- When a person asks you to move to a different app to talk with them. This allows them to stay in the shadows and not get in trouble on any one app. It also allows them to isolate you and get more information about you from your different socials.
- When a person asks for personal information about you - often masked as them caring or wanting to get to know you. Things they may ask about include your: name, age, birthday, address, phone number, other social media accounts, family’s names, friend’s names. All of this information can be ultimately used against you or to even find out where you live IRL.
- When a person asks for additional photos of yourself, your family, friends, and pets. These little details about you are used to not only gain your trust but can be used to identify you IRL and threaten you in the future.
At the end of the day, trust your gut! If the user you are interacting with feels creepy or off, report them in the Clubhouse app, block them, and tell a trusted adult.
What should I do if I think an individual is an adult, but they are pretending to be a minor on Clubhouse?
That’s a little creepy. Please report any user who you think is an adult but pretending to be a kid on Clubhouse.