Our Products are personalized to create a better experience for you by pointing you toward the things we think you’ll find most interesting on Clubhouse. Here are a few frequently asked questions to explain what we do and how we do it.
How do you personalize my experience on Clubhouse?
We personalize our Products in three basic ways:
- Content. We may surface Chats and Rooms you might like, or Houses you might want to join.
- People. We may suggest people you might want to follow, or suggest your profile to other users who might want to follow you. We may also suggest people you might want to invite to Clubhouse, invite to Houses, or people you might want to communicate with on Clubhouse.
- Notifications. We curate the notifications we send you to prioritize the ones we think you’ll find most interesting.
What information does Clubhouse use to personalize the service for me?
We use the following types of information (as defined in our Privacy Policy) to personalize our Products for you:
Interests you select
- If you select topics that interest you (“Interests”), we use this information to suggest rooms you might like, Houses you might want to join, topics you might be interested in, or other content we think you might like.
- We also use this information to suggest Clubhouse users you might like to follow, and suggest your profile to other users who might want to follow you.
- We also use this information to curate the notifications we send you to make sure we prioritize the ones we think you’ll find most interesting.
Usage and Activity Information
- We use your Usage and Activity Information (including Transcripts) to suggest rooms you might like, Houses you might want to join, topics you might be interested in, or other content we think you might like.
- We also use this information to suggest Clubhouse users you might like to follow, and suggest your profile to other users who might want to follow you.
- We also use this information to curate the notifications we send you to make sure we prioritize the ones we think you’ll find most interesting.
- If you give us permission to sync your contacts, we will use this information to connect you and your friends to one another on Clubhouse.
Other social media accounts
- If you link your Clubhouse account to X (Twitter), Instagram, or any other social media services, we will use this information to suggest Clubhouse users you might like to follow, and suggest your profile to other users who might want to follow you.
What choices do I have about this information?
- If you don’t want us to suggest you to other users as somebody they might want to follow, you can choose to have a protected profile in your account settings.
- If you don’t want us to use your contacts to connect you and your friends to one another on Clubhouse, you can choose not to sync your contacts. If you synced your contacts previously, you can delete them in your account settings.
- If you don’t want us to use other social media accounts to suggest Clubhouse users you might like to follow, and suggest your profile to other users who might want to follow you, you can choose not to link your account to other social media accounts. If you linked your account to other social media accounts previously, you can un-link them in your account settings.
- If you don’t want us to curate the notifications we send you about a particular House, you can de-select personalized notifications in your account settings.